Be citizens and think of yourself!
On behalf of the 2,400 independent hotels of the Logis Hôtels group, we ask companies and individuals to mobilize to save local jobs by booking their next post-covid19 nights directly with the hotels.
Our small family and local businesses need everyone's support.
This is why we are asking reservation platforms such as Booking, Expedia, Egencia, etc., to build together an immediate support plan based on new fair commercial conditions for all.
Direct bookings to save local jobs
Today the situation can be summed up in 2 figures:
18%: The commission paid by an independent hotelier for each stay made via the booking platforms,
€400 million: the annual amount of commissions paid by independent hoteliers on these same platforms, tomorrow every act will count!
By booking directly (from your mobile or website), you will actively participate in the revival of a sector hard hit by the current crisis:
For example, for a reservation at €100, it is…€100 that will go to the hotelier and his employees;
€100 which will be subject to taxation and will contribute to the reconstruction of our public finances.
Hoteliers call for a new market
There is no question of boycotting reservation platforms but of finding the right balance together for all independent French hoteliers, especially when the coffers are empty!
This is why we propose a project in 3 parts:
1- An immediate support plan for the self-employed to relaunch our activity together
2- A reduction of 5 points in commissions on all stays in 2020
3- From 2021, the alignment of commissions borne by independent hoteliers with those of capital-intensive hotel groups.
Businesses, individuals, now you know, you have a key role to play by changing your booking practices to save our local jobs and give meaning to our profession.